PSP coder Takka is back once again in the scene to update his ISO Tool, a handy homebrew application that allows you to decrypt the EBOOT.BIN of the latest titles, making it compatible with your custom firmwared PSP.
Changelog (translated):
* Version 1.79:
o [BUG] because the use of the novel had been given a second Prometheus 05, ACX2 given fixed
o [NEW] menu, change the display order
o [NEW] Some games do automatic patch, patch selection I like to be able to choose
o [NEW] DRAGON BALL Taggubasasu support DATA / prometheus / DBTV / EBOOT.BIN/prometheus.prx/libatrac3plus.prx own ship, so no need to pre- must be ready for the Sony NP9660 UMD ISO MODE is required to change
* Version 1.78:
o [BUG] CSO was due to large buffers were Tori Sugi generic error Fixed bug in conversion from 20MB to 18MB, so I change the maximum size of 17MB can be decoded about EBOOT.BIN If the software came out larger than it now is going to change the buffer dynamically allocated general
* Version 1.77:
o [BUG] [UMD DRIVE] Fixed bug does not appear