
Custom Firmware 5.03 and 5.50 Prometheus-2

Head's up to the homebrew community! Liquidzigong is back in the scene to update his custom firmware 5.03 and 5.50 Prometheus project, to support more games and improve its compatibility with the latest titles.

Just a little refresher before you proceed, custom firmware 5.03 Prometheus is a modified version of CFW 5.03 GEN-C that allows PSP-2000 TA088v3 (2000v3) and PSP-3000 users to launched all the latest titles that require firmware 6.20 without the need of plug-ins while custom firmware 5.50 Prometheus on the other hand is a modified version of CFW 5.50 GEN-D for PSP-1000 and PSP-2000 users.

* Support more new games
* Support future encryption Games 6.30