
DaedalusX64 SVN r687 Signed with Preview Pack

Hello guys, I signed DaedalusX64 SVN r687 for ALL Firmwares ;)

DaedalusX64 is a N64 Emulator for PSP. DaedalusX64 is the continuation of the original Daedalus PSP port by StrmnNrmn.
It is a GPL Open Source project.

DaedalusX64 SVN Changelog:
[=>]Merged from Dev branch
Corn - 160
[!] removed some blender text spam in DAEDALUS_PUBLIC_RELEASE mode
Bdacanay - 161
[+] Added a single blend for Mega Man 64 that fixes multiple incorrect blends
Corn - 162
[+] Only reaload Project matrix to sceGU if its updated
[!] fix/speed up bzero patch

Note: This build happens to be very fast
Salvy - 163
[!] Simplified Sprite2D
Corn - 164
[!] Optimized Proj matrix sceGU load a bit more
[+] Optimized Bcopy() and MEMCPY_TEST() OSHLE patches
[!] Reverted check that made OOT bug (thnx salvy)

Without Preview Pack

With Preview Pack