
6.39 Downgrader v3.1 (Tool)

Now that was fast. Hot on the heels from the release of the offical PSP firmware 6.39, homebrew coder some1 comes back on the scene to release his modified downgrader for the said firmware, allowing users to once again enjoy the benefits of firmware 6.20 and 6.35.


version 3.1: Fixed idiot bug for 6.38 I created when adding 6.39
version 3: added support for 6.39, added model printer
version 2: 09g/07g support added.

Developer's note:

I present to you my port of Davee's 6.35/6.31 downgrader to 6.39/6.38.
This a very simple app, just put the official 6.20 updater in (ms0/ef0 accordingly)PSP/GAME/UPDATE, and run the downgrader, this will reboot into the 6.20 "update", and allow you to downgrader to 6.20. Has been tested on 1k, 2k, 3k, and Go (added support for 07g/09g).
I will be releasing the source on May 29th.


If you have anything lower than an 07g place the 6.20 update in PSP/GAME/UPDATE.
If you have an 07g or an 09g, place the 6.35 update in PSP/GAME/UPDATE.
Important note: You run the application at your OWN risk. I am not held accountable if you fuck up your PSP.
Another important note: After you downgrade to 6.20, you will get a BSOD (saying that your system information is corrupted), this is OK, just click circle to reset your system information and you will be back to normal.
Final important note: It does indeed still support 6.35/6.31

The downgrader is also some1's official entry for the ongoing PSP Genesis Competition 2011.

Its says 6.38 in the xmb but its for 6.39

Download Here!
(Just Click One Image)