
Run your ISO thru XMB (6.XX HEN)

WORKS ON 6.20, 6.31 and 6.35 HENS


1. Download the File and put it on your memory stick
2. Run it thru your hen ( the iso loader is not signed )
3. pick the iso file
4. Go to ISO menu (mine uses O)
5. Create XMB ICON
6. wait when done exit ISO Tool
7. Run the game found on your xmb
8. Viola!

Works on my MHP3
psp 3006 6.20 TN-C

Why does it work the Eboot.pbp (XMB-Icon) will run Prometheus ISO loader that will automatically run the game that you patch!

Use small filename eg below 10 chars as it gives error

You must be on hen to be able to run the XMB-Icon


* 1.960
[NEW] (PIL_loader) Improved startup speed
[NEW] adjusted to modify it to limit the file name when creating an icon
[BUG] When you create an icon of DISC_ID PARAM.SFO modified to change
[BUG] Fixed garbage can when canceling a file when creating an icon
[BUG] key.txt 0xD91618F0 modified because I forgot to add
* 1.959 [NEW] XMB ICON when creating ISO name is also changed to a soft copy
[NEW] key 0xD91618F0 add
[NEW] Prometheus ISO Loader to the location of / PSP/SYSTEM/PIL_v2 / Change (seplugins use Because even if not) If you have already created in 1.958 is required if re-create the icon PSP-1000/2000/3000 me0: / PSP/SYSTEM/PIL_v2 / PSP-go case of ef0: / PSP / SYSTEM/PIL_v2 /
[NEW] Change location to be installed automatically when you create the necessary files to the icon [NEW] ISO files that run directly on the creation of icons from PIL_loader.elf DATA.PSP changed to [ NEW] (PIL_loader) when you start by pressing the L trigger, M33 Driver support in launch (currently set will not be saved) isofs_500.prx is necessary to manually copy (DATA/PIL_v2 / Copy Once you have copied automatically to the desired location)
Installation: You must have this pasted over your memory stick root. Backup your game.txt as this package has its own game.txt your cwcheats will be disabled so better copy the contents of the game.txt found on this packaged and paste it to your original